About the school

Tang Dance Academy is a registered trademark owned by Xiaoyan Dance & Art Pte Ltd. We provide a wide range of dance courses for both adults and children in Singapore.

Tang Dance Academy 是 Xiaoyan Dance & Art Pte Ltd 的注册商标, Xiaoyan Dance & Art Pte Ltd 成立于2011年,秉承着“快乐、科学、健康”的教育理念,致力于为孩子们提供安全、快乐、系统的舞蹈教育。我们的课程具有科学性、系统性和全面性,旨在通过身体协调能力和舞蹈技巧的训练,提高孩子的想象力和表现力,并改善孩子的气质、修正体态、提高艺术素养,从而促进孩子身心健康的成长。我们拥有强大的精英教练队伍,采用前沿的流行舞蹈理念和优良的教学品质,提供包括中国舞、现代舞、少儿街舞、国际舞、少儿创意舞蹈和形体芭蕾等广泛的舞蹈课程。多年来,我们的教育方法备受广大小朋友喜爱,曾多次参加新加坡国家青年节(SYF)舞蹈大赛,每次都获得金奖,并培养了一批批小六DSA的学生,帮助他们考入心仪的中学。

our teachers

Ms. Tang Xiaoyan

Founder & Artistic Director

Xiaoyan 老师毕业于中国中央民族大学舞蹈系并获得舞蹈教育学士学位,是有着多年一线教学经验的专业舞蹈老师! 她自幼开始学习中国舞,受过严格的舞蹈基础训练并曾师从舞蹈名家和教授,大学毕业后曾任中国中央电视台舞蹈编导,中国女子大学舞蹈讲师等职。来新后创办 Xiaoyan Dance& Art Pte Ltd,作为多所政府学校的CCA舞蹈教育承包商,一直从事教育部中小学CCA舞蹈教育工作, 任教的学校连年在(新加坡青年节)SYF舞蹈比赛中获得金奖。主要擅长舞蹈编导,中国舞、当代舞、形体训练、成人瑜伽等。(拥有美国 RYT专业瑜伽教练资格证)

Xiaoyan graduated from the Dance Department of the Minzu University of China and obtained a Bachelor’s degree in dance education. She is a professional dance teacher with years of frontline teaching experience. She began learning Chinese dance from a young age, received rigorous dance basic training, and studied under famous dance masters and professors. After graduating from university, she worked as a dance choreographer for China Central Television and a dance lecturer at China Women’s University. After coming to Singapore, she founded Xiaoyan Dance & Art Pte Ltd and has been serving as a CCA dance education contractor for several government schools. The schools she teaches at have won the Gold Award in the Singapore Youth Festival (SYF) dance competition for several years. She is mainly proficient in dance choreography, Chinese dance, contemporary dance, body training, and adult yoga (with a professional yoga instructor certification from RYT in the United States).”

xiaoyan (1)

Ms. Wang Xiaoxiao

Chinese & Contemporary Dance Teacher


Ms. Wang Xiaoxiao graduated from the Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts (NAFA) with a Diploma in Dance. Taught traditional Chinese dance and folk dancing at a young age, Xiaoxiao majored in modern dance in her university years. During her stay in Singapore, she has won the third prize in the 2002 Singapore Chinese Cultural Dance Constituency Competition in the solo dance category. She also got the 1st prize in the 2003 Singapore Dance Competition. After graduation, Xiaoxiao spent 5 years as the lead dancer with 新典 Modern Dance Company. She is currently a CCA dance instructor at primary and secondary school levels and has led multiple teams to gold medal awards in the Singapore Youth Festival Dance Competition. Xiaoxiao specialized in modern dance, jazz dance, classical dance and Chinese dance.

Ms. Zoe Zhao

JAZZ & K-POP Dance Teacher

Zoe老师毕业于新加坡Lasalle collage of the arts 舞蹈系,师从于现代舞蹈家Susan Sentler学习Martha Graham technique 以及现代舞编舞技巧。

Ms Zoe graduated from the Lasalle Collage of the Arts in Singapore, with a Dance Diploma. She came under the tutelage of modern dance artist, Susan Sentler. Under her guidance, Zoe masters the Martha Graham technique among many other modern dance artistry. She is a registered instructor with the Ministry of Education of Singapore, specializing in modern, jazz & Korean dance. Zoe currently teaches jazz and Korean dance in our school and is a very popular figure among the students.
